A walk into my heart where I reside will reveal so much more than the puppet shell has heretofore conveyed. Consider this an attempt to repent for the sin of silence. A pen has yet to capture and my mouth has yet to project the beauty of my heart’s untainted revelation to its owner. If one could really capture his true self within, and portray it in art, what would be painted? The dark expanse of the night sky with flickers of brilliance in varying degrees as your perspective shifts. The phases of the moon represent eras of radiance as well as darkness. With every new moon comes rebirth and a step further into eternity. Every direction is exploding with stories untold and places unseen. One might look at my painting and see overbearing shadows, but with the optimists eye conquest is unmasked.
I understand.Many of us hate to be alone for fear we would have to converse with ourselves.